Download the full publications: Study 1, Study 2, Study 3. Study 4. (There are no known publications that question the effectiveness of EMDA)
The efficacy.
How effective is the EMDA treatment?
The effectiveness has to be proven by means of scientific publications. By activating the links below, you will find ‘comprehensible’ results of a few papers published.
The Lancet Oncology, Sep. 2011, Di Stasi et al, Electromotive instillation of mitomycin immediately before transurethral resection for patients with primary urothelial nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer: a randomised controlled trial. 7 year follow-up, 352 patients
The Lancet Oncology, 2006, Di Stasi et al, Sequential BCG and electromotive mitomycin versus BCG alone for high-risk superficial bladder cancer; a randomised controlled trial. 7-8 year follow-up, 210 patients
1. The effectiveness of EMDA in patients with a form of bladder carcinoma roated with an 'average risk' of recurrence and deterioration of the tumour. A study from 2011 (Lancet Oncology)
2. The effectiveness of EMDA in patients with a form of bladder carcinoma rated with a 'high risk' of recurrence and deterioration of the tumour. A study from 2006 (Lancet Oncology)